Your Next 5 Clients?
Happy 2023!
I've been quiet on the newsletter front the last few weeks as I've been working on a more coherent content strategy that'll give me the time to really blow your socks off with some new insightful and thought-provoking content.
In the meantime, I thought I may have earned the right to introduce my very first self-promotion?
I’m thinking about putting a small group together to help B2B Consultants get their next 5 clients.
In 4 to 5 weeks, I'll show you how to create a front-end Irresistible Offer, identify people in your existing networks and new prospects who want to speak with you and sign cash-generating deals - without posting on social media or running paid ads.
So far, I’ve helped consultants like:
• Richard: Going from overwhelmed and no pipeline to 2 new perfect clients saying, 'can I work with you' in his inbox on the same morning.
• Michael: Generating over $600k in pipeline within 30 days
• Greg: Generated over £250k of pipeline in less than 30 days.
• Simon created 3 substantial opportunities from a small list of 300 companies - each with a lifetime value of over £500k.
This wouldn't be free.
But for the right person, you should get a huge return on your investment. Typically within 30 to 60 days, depending on your offer and deal size.
If I did this...
Would you like to join us?
Comment below or send me a direct message on linkedin and I'll be in touch...
To your success in 2023!